Goals & Vision
- RECYCLE will design, manufacture and commission a demonstration plant for the 3 chemical looping reactors dynamically operated within an industrial environment.
- RECYCLE will define the business cases, market needs, exploitation routes and commercialisation steps required to reach the market of the technology.
- RECYCLE project will further identify key sectors and stakeholders through market & policy analysis.
- RECYCLE will build and operate a demonstration at the University of Manchester increasing opportunities for students to experience next generation net-zero technology.
- RECYCLE will cooperate with stakeholders and other related project within hydrogen, CCUS and industrial decarbonisation to cluster research synergies with UK and European institutions.
- In order to guarantee secure progression of economic growth and foster the competitiveness of UK industries, the development of novel and disruptive technologies with low-carbon intensity for the production of hydrogen is necessary.
- The RECYCLE process provides a flexible method for hydrogen and or syngas production, while also showing economic potential benefits over other blue hydrogen production pathways.
- RECYCLE technology could supply hydrogen to several sectors in the UK, focusing on smaller scale industrial sites, with its ability to tap into large demand sectors that require syngas to develop other low-carbon products.
- RECYCLE could optimise the energy integration of the process while preserving high thermal efficiency and the CO2 capture for different scenarios.
- Market analysis shows there are several different options for feasible deployment of RECYCLE technology.